Sunday, November 30, 2008

Program plans!

Photo is of me at work on the library. Stop by when you get a chance....spent much of the weekend working on it. I've added a slideshow that is now located on teh wall over the windows.
Here's the scoop:
*Site director for the Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop will be in this week with some additional material for readings. If you haven't seen anything you want to read yet, we can get some more stuff from him. I need for you all to time your readings and let me know approximately how long they are.
*I am working on a "script" introduction.
*This weekend I made a poster for posting around has an imbeded notecard with more details about the program. The program has been posted on the librarians' google calendar of events and is posted at the reference desk in SL. I'll be asking for notices to go out to groups shortly before we start on the 16th.
*Daisyblue Hefferman gave us a little pot that gives out free hot chocolate. This saved us a little money and a LOT of prims, so if you see her it would be nice to thank her.
*I have arranged the room with stools for the readers to sit on. I also have a "reading to an audience" poseball if you want to use it. I'm trying to set it up so the readers have to move as little as possible, but I need you ALL to take time to visit the library and try and the stools and give me any is the time to speak up if you have preferences or concerns.
*my preference would be to meet with each of you individually for just a few minutes to go over the program generally and check out your headsets and sound set up, and then meet as a group either this week or next week for an abbreviated run through. Once I know who is reading what I'll make up an order for the readings.
*I've given you all $300 Lindens to spend on period clothing. Tina and I got some nice dresses from the vendors at Deadwood. Remind me to give you a landmark for Deadwood, or you can do a search for it.