Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hi, I'm back......

Multiple issues squeezed updating of this blog to the bottom of my to do list, but recent developments require I become more disciplined about posting.....I have actual news to report!
*Hyen has been working on a PIRATE SHIP to serve as our skybox for meeting and hanging out. I will take a picture and post it is very, very cool. You will probably want to create a landmark for it. It is directly above the library, but so high you will have to have some form of flight assist to get there. Contact me for a flight feather.
*Anastasia is working on children's resources to be house in the little cottage-like building to the side of the library. Might need to look at moving the building a bit to make sure we have room for programs.
*I have been removing and/or changing furniture to save us some prims so we can use them for the skybox and other projects. You can check to see how many prims we have available on the parcel by going to the top of the screen, click on the bar that shows location, and click on the tab for "objects."
*We (our SL project) are being studied by two graduate programs. Elliott Nansen (I think that is her name) is a doctoral student in Great Britain studying public libraries in SL. And the same class from the University of North Carolina that studied us last year is back for a more in-depth study. I have a print out of the project is very extensive. So you may be hearing from some of these folks, or see them around. You will be asked to complete a survey for them. This is VERY important so please take the time. I don't have SL names for all of the five students and professor who will be working with will likely be hearing from Anamae Rae (Pamela Chappell in RL) as head of a part of the project. And you may have remember Zip (Marilyn Zamarripa) from last time.
This project proposal makes for interesting and enlightening reading. Emily and I met with the professor and Pamela via conference call this week to discuss things. It is rather exciting. They are hoping to publish the completed study.
Alex, I will forward the email with the study link to's quite a few pages or I would send you a copy.
*PARTY!!!! Bucky Barkley and I are trying to get together on a plan for a sim-wide open house. Plans will be posted here. This is a chance to show off our project.
*I have installed a survey kiosk in the library. Response hasn't been terrific, but I think I have 4 so far. I am keeping a record of the responses on line, let me know if you want to see it.
*I think you are all on the Google list for notices from the Alliance Virtual Library. Try to take time to skim those posts. The Alliance system is stepping back from its previous role as owner of the library sims, and turning those reponsiblities over to a non-profit (Community Virtual Library) over seen by Abbey Zenith, Rocky Vallejo and Hypatia Dejavu. See me if you want more info on these changes.

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