Thursday, June 12, 2008

update and staff lounge

I THINK I have invited all committee members to become contributors...if you didn't get that invite, let me know and I will resend. It means you can post to the blog, and please do so whenever the spirit moves you.

I've set up a 'lounge" are in the library for staff to use. we can leave it or get rid of it in favor of using the space for something else, but I do suggest we need a private place for altering appearance (changing clothes). I bought some low prim pillow furniture for the lounge, but it is for ALL of us so we can change it to be whatever you (collectively) want. The pillows have some cool poses, just click them and select sit or relax or whatever. The beanbag chair has multiple poses so if you click on it select Touch and it will offer you a menu. I think all the pillows are also modifiable so the colors/textures can be changed. And I put that rug down cause I had it, but we can use something else or nothing at's up to you!!!
Please pardon the image accompanying this post....I meant to insert a snapshot of the lounge but screwed up and then couldn't figure out how to delete the image. HOWEVER, this is a REALLY good book....cross any nonfiction book on early explorations of the arctic with anything by Stephen King or Dean Koontz, and this is kind of what you get.....I highly recommend it.

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