Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nicodemus program great!

The Nicodemus program was great and we had a total of 15 attendees....3 for the RL program and 11 for the program in SL this Sunday. I learned some great stuff again this time.
*For programs we need someone assigned to greet latecomers and give them a welcoming notecard with any special instructions, like "turn off your microphone to avoid feedback" or "hold questions until the end."
*GET OFF THE STAGE! Shortly after Dakota started someone IMed me for a teleport, so I sent one...which of course landed them ON the stage.
*Do a thorough search of groups/sims/individuals with an expressed interest in the topic, then send out notecards with the information.

One of those who attended is a woman I previously met in a class, and who has a specific interest in African American history. I'm glad she and Dakota were able to meet, and they are already brainstorming ideas, including having Dakota give the same Nicodemus presentation at Virtual Harlem, and forming a new group for those with an interest in African American history. So our SL branch IS having a positive effect!

BTW, the audience Sunday donated $2,390 Lindens (about $8.50 US) to the Nicodemus Pioneers, so Dakota and Nicodemus have a nest egg to get their SL project off to a good start.

Picture at left is HollyJean at the monthly Alliance Virtual Library party...theme, Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss. Saw some great costumes there.

Projects in the works:
*WE NEED PHOTOS!!! Now that you all know how to make a poster and upload images (let me know if you need a refresher) its time to GET OUT THERE AND GET SOME PHOTOS! Either existing ones, or take new ones.
*Skytales Book Discussion will focus on the YA novel Twilight. Date will be Thursday, March 26, but we don't have a time set yet. In the evening some time. If you would like to be involved let me know. Otherwise, all are welcome to attend. It will be in the meeting room at Rachelville. Hoping to gear the discussion toward why vampires are so attractive to the kids, how that can be used to lure reluctant readers, and a list of readalikes. I'll be trying to find someone to make the presentation and lead the discussion. Tasmine, if you are interested in this let me know. I promised Rocky Cindy and I would do all the work for this one, since he is tied up with teaching a class. Of course, I haven't told Cindy that yet. Ha ha. :)

*Possible book discussion at the library. This is a return to an old topic....trying to get a cooperative project going with the state library and Topeka for an author talk or something. We are tentatively looking at The Virgin of Small Plains, but I know the author is swamped right now with appearances. Might just do it as a book discussion. I'm certainly open to ideas.

Ok, so the mule naming idea was a bust. Can't blame me for trying. :)

On a personal note, my home parcel was struck by a griefer sometime in the past week or so....not sure when it happened. Apparently the same person or persons hit several other parcels in the area. They changed the terrain around and somehow managed to take or delete about 90 percent of the things I had, plants, all kinds of objects. Sophie helped me set the property back to more or less the way it was and I have filed a support ticket with Linden Labs. Sophie (sim owner) showed me how they were able to change the terrain and how to change my settings so that can't happen inthe future, but she is at a loss as to how they managed to steal or destroy my objects. Sigh. There are those few troublemakers no matter where you are....the real life library or SL.

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